A Land Remembered Teaching Guides

A Land Remembered Teaching Guide

Digital, Flexible Files For Your Specific Needs

This is the ulti­mate, most flex­i­ble teach­ing guide for A Land Remem­bered because it is so comprehensive.

You get study guides with tests on all chap­ters of the stu­dent vol­umes of A Land Remem­bered. They are all in pdf and Word for­mat and are ready for you to print out and use right away or alter to meet your needs. That is the great advan­tage of this teach­ing guide over pre-print­ed guides. Includes addi­tion­al activities.

Avail­able as an imme­di­ate down­load. You get a zipped file that expands into the Word and .pdf files. You do not get the free DVD with this version.

Imme­di­ate Down­load­able Teach­ing Guide — $15 —

Click here to get a FREE STUDY GUIDE for Chap­ters 4–6 as a sample.

Print­ed Teach­ing Guides, Writ­ten By Teach­ers For Teachers

You’ll take a lot of the work out of prepar­ing les­son plans, pre-and post tests with these handy print­ed teacher’s guides to A Land Remem­bered. At just $6.00 each, it’s a no-brainer!

Ele­men­tary Teach­ing Guide — A Land Remem­bered Goes to School

Vocab­u­lary words, chap­ter sum­maries, vocab­u­lary activ­i­ties, list of slang and trans­la­tions, mul­ti­ple choice ques­tions, com­pre­hen­sion ques­tions, activ­i­ties and more.

64 pages, softbound.

Ele­men­tary Teach­ing Guide — $6.00 —

It is also avail­able on Ama­zon

Mid­dle School Teacher Plans and Resources or A Land Remem­bered Stu­dent Edition

Exten­sive vocabulary/slang, pre-read­ing activ­i­ties, com­pre­hen­sion ques­tions, post-read­ing activ­i­ties for each indi­vid­ual chap­ter, and more. Includes a descrip­tion of how A Land Remem­bered ful­fills many bench­marks of the Sun­shine State Stan­dards for Social Stud­ies and some for Sci­ence for the mid­dle grades. Includes a list of resources. 64 pages, softbound

Mid­dle School Teach­ing Guide — $7.00 —

The Mid­dle School Teacher’s Plans and Resources is also avail­able in Kin­dle for $3.99.

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