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Books, Teaching Guides, and DVDs

SAVE when you order A Land Remem­bered hard­bound, soft­bound or stu­dent ver­sions, you auto­mat­i­cal­ly get:

• 11–30
copies = 10% off
• 31–60 copies = 15% off
• 61+ copies = 20% off!

You get a free copy of the DVD, Patrick Smith’s Flori­da, A Sense of Place (a $19.95 val­ue) with orders of 31 or more books.

We glad­ly accept school, library and insti­tu­tion­al pur­chase orders. For sim­plic­i­ty, you can add items to your cart as if you were shop­ping online, then print the “cart” page, and fax to 888–744-9381. Make checks payable to the ven­dor, Patrick Smith.

A Land Remembered Student Edition

A Land Remem­bered has become Florida’s favorite nov­el. The Stu­dent Edi­tion in two vol­umes makes this rich, rugged sto­ry of the Amer­i­can pio­neer spir­it more acces­si­ble to young read­ers. In the book, Patrick Smith tells of three gen­er­a­tions of the MacIveys, a Flori­da fam­i­ly bat­tling the hard­ships of the fron­tier. The sto­ry opens in 1858, when Tobias and Emma MacIvey arrive in the Flori­da wilder­ness with their son, Zech, to start a new life, and ends in 1968 with Solomon MacIvey, who real­izes that his wealth has not been worth the cost to the land. Between is a sweep­ing sto­ry rich in Flori­da his­to­ry with a cast of mem­o­rable char­ac­ters bat­tling wild ani­mals, rustlers, Con­fed­er­ate desert­ers, mos­qui­toes, star­va­tion, hur­ri­canes, and freezes to carve a king­dom out of the Flori­da swamp.

In VOLUME 1, meet young Zech MacIvey, who learns to ride like the wind through the Flori­da scrub on Ish­mael, his marsh­tack­ie horse, with his dogs, Nip and Tuck, at his side. His par­ents, Tobias and Emma, scratch a liv­ing from the land, gath­er­ing wild cows from the swamp and herd­ing them across the state to mar­ket. Zech learns the ways of the land from the Semi­noles, with whom his life becomes entwined as he grows into manhood.

Vol­ume 1 con­tains chap­ters 1–23.

In VOLUME 2, with the birth of Zech and Glen­da’s son, Solomon, a new gen­er­a­tion of MacIveys learns to ride hors­es, dri­ve cat­tle, and teach rustlers a thing or two. Sol and his fam­i­ly earn more and more gold dou­bloons from cat­tle sales, as well as dol­lars from their orange groves. The invest it in buy­ing land, once free to all, now owned and fenced and increas­ing­ly pop­u­lat­ed, until it becomes just “a land remembered.”

Vol­ume 2 con­tin­ues the sto­ry with chap­ters 24–45.

Your Best Val­ue is a Com­plete Set (Vol­umes 1 & 2). 

Vol­ume 1 &Soft­bound – $17.00 

Vol­ume 1 &Hard­bound – $30.00 

Also Sold As Indi­vid­ual Volumes

Vol­ume 1, Soft­bound – $9.95  (Also avail­able on Kin­dle) Con­tains chap­ters 1–23.

Vol­ume 1, Hard­bound – $16.95 

Vol­ume 2, Soft­bound – $8.95  (Also avail­able on Kin­dle) Con­tains chap­ters 24–45.

Vol­ume 2, Hard­bound – $16.95 

Suit­able For Mature Students

We rec­om­mend the stu­dent ver­sion for grades up through 6, but younger stu­dents often read the stan­dard edi­tion and love it. Some of the scenes have been rewrit­ten for younger read­ers, but even the stan­dard ver­sion is often appro­pri­ate. It depends on the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the audience.

For any stu­dent at 7th or 8th grade and above we rec­om­mend the stan­dard edi­tion, and of course that is the ver­sion rec­om­mend­ed for all adults.

Soft­bound – $16.95 

Hard­bound – $22.95 

A Land Remem­bered is also avail­able on Kin­dle.

A Land Remembered: A Graphic Novel

Avail­able on Ama­zon and on Ama­zon Kin­dle.

A Land Remem­bered real­ly comes alive visu­al­ly in A Land Remem­bered: A Graph­ic Nov­el adapt­ed and illus­trat­ed by the tal­ent­ed Andre Frattino.

Younger read­ers and all age fans of com­ic style nov­els will love and trea­sure this graph­ic novel.

Above is an exam­ple of the won­der­ful illus­tra­tions from the book.

Teach More, Work Less, With Teach­ing Guides Writ­ten By And For Teachers

Teach­ing Guides help you inte­grate the sub­ject mat­ter into your cur­ricu­lum in mean­ing­ful ways. They also save you lots of time by giv­ing you tests and activ­i­ties, writ­ten and test­ed by oth­er teach­ers, based on the book.

The Dig­i­tal Teach­ing Guide, avail­able exclu­sive­ly from us, is com­posed of files in both Microsoft Word and .pdf for­mats so that you can change every­thing about the con­tent to fit your own needs. There are tests, answers, activ­i­ties and more for each chap­ter of A Land Remem­bered.

You get imme­di­ate access to the dig­i­tal guide in both Word and .pdf files. Once you order, you will be imme­di­ate­ly direct­ed to a .zip file which you can extract to get the Word and .pdf files.
Dig­i­tal Down­load Teach­ing Guide$15 -

We glad­ly accept school, library and insti­tu­tion­al pur­chase orders. For sim­plic­i­ty, you can add items to your cart as if you were shop­ping online, then print the “cart” page, and fax to 888–744-9381.

Print­ed Teach­ing Guides

Com­piled By Teach­ers, Each 64 Pages Of Use­ful Mate­r­i­al, Coor­di­nat­ed With The Flori­da Sun­shine State Standards

A Land Remem­bered Goes To School, Ele­men­tary Teach­ing Guide
Vocab­u­lary words, chap­ter sum­maries, vocab­u­lary activ­i­ties, list of slang and trans­la­tions, mul­ti­ple choice ques­tions, com­pre­hen­sion ques­tions, activ­i­ties and more. 64 pages, softbound

Ele­men­tary Teach­ing Guide — $6 — 

A Land Remem­bered Goes to School is also avail­able in Kin­dle for $3.79.

Mid­dle School Teacher Plans and Resources for A Land Remem­bered: Stu­dent Edi­tion
Exten­sive vocabulary/slang, pre-read­ing activ­i­ties, com­pre­hen­sion ques­tions, post-read­ing activ­i­ties for each chap­ter, and more. Includes descrip­tion of how A Land Remem­bered ful­fills many bench­marks of the Sun­shine State Stan­dards for Social Stud­ies and some for Sci­ence for the mid­dle grades. Also includes a list of resources. 64 pages, softbound

The Mid­dle School Teacher’s Plans and Resources is avail­able at Ama­zon for $7.00 and also in Kin­dle for $3.99.

Patrick Smith’s Flori­da, A Sense of Place

(Award-Win­ning DVD)

Any­one — stu­dent, teacher, or just a fan of A Land Remem­bered — will love see­ing this DVD. You’ll spend an hour with Patrick D. Smith, as he takes you on a nos­tal­gic jour­ney to a Flori­da that exists today only in books. If you are using A Land Remem­bered in your class­room or in a home­school sit­u­a­tion, you sim­ply must show this DVD to your students.

Thank you, too, for the deli­cious DVD…A Sense of Place. We laugh every time we lis­ten to you explain­ing how you would pack up your suit­case and try to head down south to research the Indi­an tra­di­tions. We feel like we were on those trips with you.   ~ Susan Clark & Scott Taylor

You’ll get to know both the author and the state of Flori­da bet­ter as this soft-spo­ken gen­tle­man intro­duces you to the Flori­da of his youth. You’ll be touched by the true sto­ries of his adven­tures along the way to writ­ing his books, many of which are now mod­ern-day classics.

Many peo­ple have said that any­one liv­ing in or vis­it­ing the state of Flori­da should see this DVD. You’ll learn that Flori­da is far more than a tourist destination.

Patrick Smith’s son, Rick (Patrick, Jr.) an award-win­ning film­mak­er liv­ing in Cal­i­for­nia, shot and edit­ed this lov­ing trib­ute to his father, with help from his wife, Kim, her­self a pro­fes­sion­al edi­tor and producer.

Patrick Smith per­son­al­ly nar­rates this mul­ti­ple award-win­ning pro­gram as video, his­tor­i­cal pho­tos and re-enact­ed scenes bring his sto­ries to life. A short sam­ple is shown in the video to the left.
Patrick Smith’s Flori­da, A Sense of Place is 54 min­utes long and includes fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ries of Patrick Smith’s life and adven­tures; expe­ri­ences that he had to have in order to write his books the way he did. It pro­vides great insight not only into Flori­da’s past but into the mind of one of her favorite writers.

Patrick Smith’s Flori­da, A Sense of Place DVD — $19.95 —

We glad­ly accept school, library, and insti­tu­tion­al pur­chase orders. For sim­plic­i­ty, you can add items to your cart as if you were shop­ping online, then print the “cart” page, and email it to

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