A Land Remembered Concert

Did you know that there is a con­cert based on A Land Remem­bered? It was com­posed by Lar­ry Clark of Lake­land, Flori­da in 2009. I dis­cov­ered this con­cert by acci­dent when a Google Alert I have set for the term “A Land Remem­bered” turned it up. I con­tact­ed Lar­ry Clark and got his per­mis­sion to post the record­ing on this site, as well as a link to the .pdf file of the music. It was pub­lished by Carl Fish­er music. You find links on this page; scroll down to “L” for Land Remembered.

Accord­ing to Clark, “I was com­mis­sioned to write the con­cert band piece “A Land Remem­bered” by the Horace Mann Mid­dle School Band in Bran­don, Flori­da. Their band direc­tor Kevin Fuller want­ed to com­mis­sion a musi­cal work and have the stu­dents work with a liv­ing com­pos­er, but he also want­ed to involve the whole school in the project.  So, “A Land Remem­bered” was select­ed as the book that many stu­dents in the school would read and I would write a piece that would musi­cal­ly depict some of the things from the sto­ry.  At the pre­miere per­for­mance of the piece on May 11, 2009 I con­duct­ed the Mann Mid­dle School Band.  Before the con­cert they had open exhibits to writ­ings and art projects and even some food by the stu­dents that were based on the book. It was a very nice event and very educational.”

Clark says that it is not meant to tell specif­i­cal­ly any spe­cif­ic events from the nov­el, but just to depict musi­cal­ly some of the thoughts and scenes that come to mind as a per­son reads the nov­el. The piece is set in three con­tin­u­ous move­ments, each depict­ing ele­ments of the sto­ry, from the open fan­fare, “A New Life in a New Land” to the beau­ti­ful “On the Prairie” and the stri­dent final move­ment, “Hard­ships on the Rugged Frontier.”

Being a fourth gen­er­a­tion Florid­i­an myself,” Clark says, “the book res­onat­ed with me as it con­tains sim­i­lar sto­ries that I had heard in my child­hood about old Flori­da.  My Great-Grand Father was an ear­ly set­tler to the New Port Richey area.  He was also a cat­tle ranch­er from South Car­oli­na that brought his cat­tle down in the win­ter eat grass before mov­ing here permanently.”

You can lis­ten to a record­ing of the con­cert here, and here is a link to the music.


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